Leisure Use

Caravans, whether built to BS 3632 or EN 1647 are on a wheeled chassis, so are therefore classed as moveable. There is no law preventing one being kept in a garden, but you will still need to observe rules relating to the use of the land.  

Where there is no material change of use and the unit is used by the main property / landowners, or for their visiting guests, then that does not constitute a change of use. However, if it is to be sublet or used for a different purpose, then that may require planning permission through the local authority prior to siting. If sited outside of the immediate curtilage, in adjoining land or woodland that will also need permission.  

For your own peace of mind, we would recommend you apply to the council for a ‘Certificate of Lawfulness’, as this will give you complete peace of mind and confidence ahead of your purchase. You don’t have to submit detailed plans for this. 

Accessible living

Our homes can be designed for those with additional physical needs and disabilities, so they can suit your individual needs now, or, just as importantly, in the future. 

If you need to change anything

Once the specification is signed off, the factory builds to that brief and specification. We can change any element during the specification progress until you sign off your agreed plans, and if you let us know in time, we may be able to change elements for you beyond this point too, although we can’t guarantee it, so we never ask you to sign your plans off until you are completely happy with them. Our thorough specification process and design experience offers our buyers input on all aspects and detail before the build process begins.